Project Engagement
Add critical skills of a senior revenue cycle expert to your project when required.
Project Engagement
Responsibility is defined in the Statement of Work for each engagement.
Bring executive healthcare administrator skills and revenue cycle expert experience to your practice on a project by project basis.
Specialized skills when your practice needs them.
Adding the skills of a senior revenue cycle expert to a project is smart business.
Throughout the life span of your practice, there will be strategic projects that demand experience and specialized skills. The skills and knowledge obtained from successfully managing similar projects in the past ensure the best outcome for your practice. Our senior advisors are diverse, esteemed industry leaders and Board members who have all succeeded in high-powered, practice administrator top executive positions.
Financial planning & profitability analysis
Current Business State Review
Practice Visioning
Strategic Planning
Mergers & Acquisitions Support
Joint Venture Analysis and Support
Practice Valuations
Payer Contract Management Services
Facility / Lab Establishment
Real Estate Development
HR Consulting/Re-engineering
Operational Efficiencies
Compliance Plan Assessment and Development